Your guide to becoming your own cheerleader 


In Episode 60 of the Your Brilliant Podcast, I was answering a subscriber's question about how to deal with feelings of imposter. A couple of the tips I gave were to adjust your self-talk by tweaking the internal dialogue when it takes a bad turn, and secondly, to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be.

As a tool to help you get more thoughtful about things, particularly around your thought processes, I'm sharing this guide. It is all about about overcoming limiting beliefs.

Working your way through the activities in this guide will help you quieten the inner critic. It's packed with actionable steps to help you build your confidence and navigate those feelings of self doubt.


Hi, I'm Gillian Fox.


I use my own business experiences to help talented women rise and be successful.

I am a business owner, entrepreneur, author, keynote speaker, executive coach and women’s career expert. I am also host of the Your Brilliant Career podcast.

For 15 years, I have led gender diversity and leadership programs for some of the largest organisations in Australia. Over the years, I've developed a reputation for teaching in a way that's practical, relevant and accessible.

My greatest passion is helping talented women achieve the success they deserve.